Sunday, June 26, 2022

Ratings: When to tag authors!

Ratings are so important.  And when to tag authors is also something that I guess a lot of people don't know.  Please do not tag authors in reviews that are below 4 stars.  I guess 3 stars isn't something they would like to see as it usually means that although you didn't outright hate it.  You didn't really enjoy it.  

I love the explanation that Emily R. King gave a million years ago.  I couldn't find her post 😔 but I am sure you could track it down.  It actually made me go back through all of my ratings and redo them.  

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 Disclaimer: "All opinions are 100% honest and my own."  Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information. Buying via these links allows my site to get a % of the sale at no cost to you. 

FTC Guidelines: In accordance with FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. If am compensated for any reviews on this site I will state that post has been sponsored. 


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