Showing posts with label Owned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Owned. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

{Review} Glow (Sky Chasers #1) by @AmyKathleenRyan {Giveaway} @StMartinsPress

Glow (Sky Chasers, #1)

Title: Glow
Author: Amy Kathleen Ryan
Series: Sky Chasers
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Release Date: September 13, 2011
Pages: 307
Format: Ebook
What if you were bound for a new world, about to pledge your life to someone you'd been promised to since birth, and one unexpected violent attack made survival—not love—the issue?

Out in the murky nebula lurks an unseen enemy: the New Horizon. On its way to populate a distant planet in the wake of Earth's collapse, the ship's crew has been unable to conceive a generation to continue its mission. They need young girls desperately, or their zealous leader's efforts will fail. Onboard their sister ship, the Empyrean, the unsuspecting families don't know an attack is being mounted that could claim the most important among them...

Fifteen-year-old Waverly is part of the first generation to be successfully conceived in deep space; she was born on the Empyrean, and the large farming vessel is all she knows. Her concerns are those of any teenager—until Kieran Alden proposes to her. The handsome captain-to-be has everything Waverly could ever want in a husband, and with the pressure to start having children, everyone is sure he's the best choice. Except for Waverly, who wants more from life than marriage—and is secretly intrigued by the shy, darkly brilliant Seth.

But when the Empyrean faces sudden attack by their assumed allies, they quickly find out that the enemies aren't all from the outside.(


Amy Kathleen Ryan is a graduate of the New School Creative Writing Program. She lives in Colorado. Visit her website at:

I had read this in ARC form and really didn't like it.  I gave it two stars and went on my way.  Well after requesting book three via Night Owl Reviews. (didn't realize it was part of this series.) I ended up deciding to buy this book via amazon ebook and start reading.  I finished it in a day and although my old review still rings true for the most part. I have come to like this book.

Ok so what changed.  I have wrote up a few different reviews and eded up deleting them.  I don't like to giveaway spoilers and this is a really hard book to review.  I have upped my rating for this from a 2 to a 3.  I think the schools could use this one for a replacement for The Lord of the Flies. (ugh book that one) as it has some of the same social issues.

This book teaches the horrors of pretending to be god as well as pretending to be gods messenger.  That although I understand the point of Kieran's services was to bring the kids together and to make them a community.  I think he could have left religion out of it all together.  He didn't need to travel down that path of no return.

This is a mash up of religion running a muck.

"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own."
Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, December 26, 2013

{Review} Pawn @aimee_carter @HarlequinTeen {Best Read of 2013}

Review: Pawn by Aimee Carter
For Kitty Doe, it seems like an easy choice. She can either spend her life as a III in misery, looked down upon by the higher ranks and forced to leave the people she loves, or she can become a VII and join the most powerful family in the country. 

If she says yes, Kitty will be Masked—surgically transformed into Lila Hart, the Prime Minister's niece, who died under mysterious circumstances. As a member of the Hart family, she will be famous. She will be adored. And for the first time, she will matter. 

There's only one catch. She must also stop the rebellion that Lila secretly fostered, the same one that got her killed …and one Kitty believes in. Faced with threats, conspiracies and a life that's not her own, she must decide which path to choose—and learn how to become more than a pawn in a twisted game she's only beginning to understand.
Aimee Carter
Aimée Carter was born and raised in Michigan, where she currently resides. Her first novel for young adults, THE GODDESS TEST, will be published by Harlequin Teen on April 19th, 2011. The sequel, GODDESS INTERRUPTED, will follow in January 2012.

Find her on Twitter at @aimee_carter.


Ok this book was just beyond amazing!  Fans of The Selection and The Hunger Games will love this story about a girl who will risk her life to not only save the life of her man but also to change the way that they live.  

Fav Quotes:

Risking my life to steal an orange was a stupid thing to do, but today of all days, I didn’t care about the consequences.

Never forget the potential one solitary pawn has to change the enter game.

In Kitty Doe's world there is a system like that in The Selection.  When you turn 17 you take a test and then you are ranked from I to VI.  If you get a I you are sent to a place called Elsewhere and are pretty much never seen or heard from again.  Well poor Kitty whom can't read (guessed she had Dyslexia)  ends up getting a III which is not to bad but not as good as she would have liked.  So she decided to make the choice to go to a brothel. (for those who are worried about that content don't be.  It is very sparse and not explicit.) While being actioned off for her virginity which is sold to the Prime Minister for 30,000 gold pieces (reminded me of the Memoirs of Geisha) she is given the choice to become a VII which is only given to their leaders the Hart Family.  

Well this story really picks up there.  From the death of a lot of her friends to making and creating new ones.  Poor Kitty Doe is tossed into a world of luxury while being a prisoner in her own body.  I loved the characters that Aimee has created.  Grayson, Kitty, and Knox were my favs.  Kitty doesn't let people tell her what to do and she really does stand up for herself and for those she loves.  The Prime Minister really is evil and I can't wait to see what they do with him and this story when book two comes out.  

This review is so hard to write without giving a lot of it away. Kitty becomes Lila Hart and the story goes on with twists and turns you won't see coming to an all out war that I so can't wait to see where the story goes from here.  

The one thing this book teaches you is that even if you have issues that prevent you from doing some things. Like Kitty having Dyslexia and not being able to read.  There are always things you can do to compensate for it.  And you should always believe in yourself. 

Words can not tell you how much I loved this book!  So here is a group spree cast video via me and Frishawn from WTF Are You discussing why we loved Pawn so much!

"*I own it!"

Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

{Review} {Excerpt} Revelations @jasouders @torbooks

Revelations (The Elysium Chronicles, #2)
Six weeks after her arrival on the Surface, Evelyn Winters is no closer to unlocking the memories lost in her subconscious than she was when she first came. Isolated in a strange new society, Evie has only Gavin Hunter to remind her of who she once was.

But even with a clean slate, it’s easy to see that Evie doesn’t fit in on the Surface. And as her differences make her feel more and more alone, she can’t help but yearn for that place she doesn’t remember: the isolated city hidden in the depths of the ocean. Elysium. Home.

But she can’t exactly tell Gavin what she’s feeling. Not when he’s the one who helped her escape Elysium in the first place, and has the scars to prove it. Though the doctors say otherwise, Gavin believes that Evie just needs time. And if her memories don’t come back, well, maybe she’s better off not remembering her past.

But the decision may be out of their hands when Evie’s ever-elusive memories begin to collide with reality. People and images from her past appear in the most unlikely places, haunting her, provoking her…and making her seem not only strange but dangerous.

Evie and Gavin can’t wait around for her memories to return. They’ll have to journey across the Outlands of the Surface to find help, and in the end, their search may just lead them back to the place it all started…


J.A. Souders was born in the heartland with an overactive imagination and an over abundance of curiosity that was always getting her into trouble. She first began writing at the age of 13, when she moved to Florida and not only befriended the monsters under the bed, but created worlds for them to play together.

Because she never grew up, she decided she'd put her imaginary friends to work and started writing. She still lives in the land of sunshine and palm trees with her husband and their two children and is an active member of the RWA, CFRW, YARWA and SCBWI.

She is represented by Natalie Fischer Lakosil of the Bradford Literary Agency. Her debut book, RENEGADE, surfaced November 2012 from Tor Teen (Macmillan) and the sequel, REVELATIONS, releases November 5,2013.

Her short story TOOTHLESS is in the Mystery Times Ten anthology from Buddhapuss Ink.

"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own."

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.


PATIENT EVELYN WINTERS: Female. Approximately 16 Years of age.
Patient still displays signs of amnesia. Evaluation shows worsening fevers, syncope, failure to heal from multiple wounds and infection of said wounds. Patient has failed to respond to standard treatment. Recommended course of action has met with refusal by patient’s significant other. No next of kin available. Unsure of patient’s ability to consent for herself due to diminished mental faculties.
My life is just about perfect.
At least I think it is. It’s hard to be sure since I can’t remember anything from the last sixteen years. My hopes. My dreams. Everything. Gone. As if they never existed. And I will probably never get them back.
It hurts just thinking about it, so I try not to, but the thought festers in my mind as I sit on the beach by the water’s edge and push my bare feet into the surf. The waves lap at my ankles as I dig my toes into the sand. It feels good—the chilly water against my heated flesh.
I just know I’m running another fever. I’m never not, lately. I scratch at my healing shoulder before remembering myself and shoving my hands into the cool sand. It’s only been a few days since my release from the confines of the local medical facility—I’d been there just a few weeks, but it’d felt like forever. Dr. Gillian said, despite the failure of the wound on my shoulder to heal completely, I was healthy enough to leave. I’m not convinced he actually thinks that’s true, but he’s done so much for me since I got here, he almost feels like family. Or I think so anyway. I don’t really remember what family feels like. But, anyway, he’s done so much for me, Dr. Gillian, that I could hardly refuse, and even though I wasn’t at all sure I was ready to leave the hospital, Gavin was impatient to get me home.
Home. Another pang of something I can’t really describe hits me, and tears well in my eyes. I trace my fingers over the etched lines of the silver rose pendant lying between my breasts. I really, really want to go home, I know that. I just don’t know exactly where “home” is.
Gavin’s dog, Lucy, bumps my shoulder with her head, whining softly. I dig my fingers into her soft fur, staring into the water until the tears that sting my eyes are from the sun sparkling on the surface. Even at sunset, the solar rays are still intense to my eyes, but a bit of my bad mood slips away. It’s beautiful today, as it always is, the sky flickering now with the oranges, reds, and pinks of the setting sun.
This is my favorite time of day. When the sun is setting and the last of its fiery fingers caress the water line before relinquishing their hold to the darkness of night. And I can watch as the stars pop out, one by one, to pinprick the sky with their silvery light. The breakers crash against the shore in a steady rhythm. It’s lovely. Peaceful. Calming. Like somewhere else I used to know.
Home, I think again, holding the pendant tightly in my fist. Gavin tells me I came from beneath those waves. But I don’t know if home is really there. At the bottom of the sea in a place I can’t remember and I’m not sure if I want to. Or if it’s with Gavin and his wonderful family: His brother, Tristan, and all his chattering and curiosity. His sister, Ann Marie, with her easy happiness, and his mom, whose quiet strength—the same strength Gavin has in spades—resonates from her in waves.
I’ll admit, when they’re around, it’s easy to forget that I haven’t always been here. That I haven’t always been a part of their family. But still, I know I don’t really belong. I’m not sure I belong anywhere.
That thought making my heart squeeze, I push up from the sand, click my tongue so Lucy will follow, and go back into the house I’m supposed to consider my home.
The bucket of tallow oil weighs heavy in my hand as I drag it up the two hundred and thirteen steps to the lantern room. I don’t suppose we really have to light the lamp anymore, but it’s become a custom. My family has kept the lighthouse going since the War. Using the light not to guide ships, but people.
It was one of the few buildings left standing after everything, but our cove was still in better shape than a lot of places. More importantly, it was safe—from raiders and starving animals—due to the coast on three sides and the wall they’d built around the town. My ancestors had hoped to guide those lost in what is now known as the Outlands to the safety of our town. I don’t know if my family always lived here or if we took it over when we came across it, but we’ve been here ever since. No one new has come in ages, not since the mayor was sent from the city to keep an eye on us, but we still make the tallow and light the lantern every night. Just in case.
It’s technically Tristan’s job—ever since I started spending all my time hunting and providing food for the family—but he has a hard time dragging the bucket all the way to the top, and anyway I don’t mind doing it. The mindless repetition of dragging the oil to the top, pouring it into the lamp, winding the clockwork, and lighting it usually gives me some much needed thinking time.
Today, though, I’m just going to enjoy the view. I can see Evie down on the beach, and now that she’s with me after being in the hospital for way too long, I just want to bask a little. Even though I’ve been back on the surface for a little over a month, I can’t get over how grateful I am to be home. My mind still reels thinking of what I—we—went through. Genetic mutations. Brainwashing. A beautiful princess needing rescuing. Okay, that part’s not true. She rescued me. I just decided I couldn’t leave without her.
A smile curves my lips as I glance down over the rail. Far below, the light from behind me shines on her blond head, then continues on its way. She was the only shining light from that hell.
But it’s hard to be happy looking at her now. I can tell from how she’s holding on to Lucy that she’s unhappy, and considering the way she’s staring out into the water, I can’t pretend I don’t know the reason. She’s homesick. Even if “home” is the last word I’d use to describe Elysium.
Hell. Living nightmare. Bottomless pit of everlasting tortures. Those descriptions would fit it a lot better, but it’s not like she remembers what really happened. She didn’t even want to leave until she was forced to. By me. No, scratch that. Because of me. Because she’d risked her life to rescue me. And it had cost her much more than either of us had anticipated.
I watch, leaning over the rail, as she gets up and walks into the house, Lucy prancing by her side. She never once looks up at me, though I’m sure she knows I’m up here. Not sure if I should feel stung or just let her be; after all, I should know better than anyone how difficult it is to feel lost in a world that’s not yours with no one you know or trust. And while I know she cares for me, ever since she left the hospital there’s been this awkwardness between us. Like neither of us quite knows what to do with the other now that it’s safe for us to touch.
Huffing a sigh, I turn to pick up the now empty bucket, then make my way down the stairs. It’s much easier with gravity and an empty bucket on my side.
Taking my time, I put the supplies back into the fuel room, then clean up the already meticulous space. When I finally admit to myself that I can’t get it any cleaner than it already is, I wander into the house.
It’s quiet, as it usually is after supper, except for the sounds of Tristan playing in his room, making sound effects from whatever toys he’s deemed worthy of his time. Mom must have nixed unplugging the water heater for him to play video games for today. Good, because I’m filthy. I glance down at my sooty hands and arms. I need a shower. Besides, I have to pass Evie’s room along the way to the bathroom. It’ll give me the perfect excuse to check on her.
The floorboards creak and groan as I walk. I used to try and learn which floorboards to use or how to step to avoid them making noises, but it’s useless. They’re old and they all creak. In fact, I see a loose one poking up near Evie’s doorway. I’ll have to run to the general store for nails to fix that so she doesn’t trip on it. And while I’m at it, I should probably see if I can trade something for some paint. The walls are peeling and Mom’s been making noises since Evie came about wanting to fix up the house.
I’m careful to avoid the loose board as I stop at her doorway. But when I peek my head into the room, she’s back to staring out her window to the black sea. One hand rests on Lucy’s head, which rests in Evie’s lap. The other rests on the glass, palm pressing to it, fingers curled slightly, as if she’s reaching for something. In the reflection, I can see tears sliding down her cheek. I back away from the door, so she can’t see that I saw her, swallow the lump in my throat, and continue on into the bathroom. With a flick of the wrist, I turn on the water. At first it only drizzles out and I glare at the pipe.
“Work, damn you,” I mutter. I don’t want to have to fumble around in the pump house in the dark. Then it pulses and shoots a stream from the rusty faucet, pouring blackish water into the tub. God, I hate well water. After another half a minute, the water turns clear and steam starts rising from the bottom of the tub. I quickly adjust the temperature and step into the spray.
While I’m scrubbing...
Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

{Review} The Bitter Kingdom @RaeCarson

The Bitter Kingdom (Fire and Thorns, #3)The third book in Rae Carson's award-winning The Girl of Fire and Thorns fantasy trilogy. Elisa, the seventeen-year-old sorcerer-queen, will travel into an unknown enemy's realm to win back her true love, save her kingdom, and uncover the final secrets of her destiny. Veronica Roth called The Girl of Fire and Thorns "intense, unique . . . definitely recommended."
Perfect for fans of Tamora Pierce and George R. R. Martin's style of sweeping and deeply satisfying epic fantasy, the third and final book in the trilogy takes the young queen on a journey more dangerous than any she has faced before. Elisa will stand before the gate of the enemy. And she must rise up as champion—even to those who have hated her—or her kingdom will fall. Full of sorcery, adventure, sizzling romance, and secrets that challenge everything she believes, this is a bold and powerful conclusion to an extraordinary trilogy. As USAToday.comproclaimed, "Rae Carson has proved she's a master and has shaken up the YA genre."


Rae Carson is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the award-winning Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy. She lives in Ohio with her husband, novelist C.C. Finlay, two stepsons, and two very naughty kitties. She is hard at work on her next trilogy.

Amazon Author Rankbeta 

 (What's this?)
#69 in Books > Teens

Ok first off LOVED this series!  I still need to read the novellas but I loved this book.  This one was split between Elisa and Hector's POV which was a great change.  We got a little more of what was going on, on both sides.  The only issue I had was that this book ends with no Epilogue I would have loved to see where they were down the road!  A lot of things could have been added with that.  If I would have gotten an Epilogue I would have loved it to play out as below. PS yes this is my made up one!!

If you havent read the book DONT READ THIS BELOW!  IT will spoil the book!!!!

10 years later!

Elisa and Hector have been married for 10 years and have had around 5-6 kids!
Red has been adopted by her sister and storm! And has also caught the eye of the prince so they are to be married soon!
Mara FINALLY decides to marry Belen after Elisa tells her that she either does it or she will be dismissed. (all in playful fun!)
It finally comes out that Elisa is no longer a barrer so some of the Animagus's come to help her (YES HELP) to try and reconnect with the power of her now dead Godstone.  Maybe going back to the island.
Peace rains across their world and more people are born with the Godstones from both people.  (including mixed ones)

And the biggest thing that I think the author could have done was with that oasis that Elisa and her friends found.  That was supposed to be her service.  What if it wasnt an oasis but the desert healing itself.  So that it was the beginning to a jungle.  I think that would have been great!

"I purchased this book via Books A Million as well as Amazon"

Saturday, August 10, 2013

{Review} The Alchemy of Forever @averyeverywhere

The Alchemy of Forever (Incarnation, #1)
In the first novel of the Incarnation series, the immortal Seraphina grapples with a wrenching truth: Falling in love might mean succumbing to death.People say “love never dies”…but love might be the death of Seraphina.

Seraphina has been alive since the Middle Ages, when her boyfriend, Cyrus, managed to perfect a method of alchemy that lets them swap bodies with any human being. Sera ran away from Cyrus years ago, when she realized that what they were doing—taking the lives of innocent people—was wrong. Yet she doesn’t want to die, so she finds young people who are on the brink of death, and inhabits their bodies. Sera has just landed in the body of a girl named Kailey who was about to die in a car accident. For the first time, Sera falls in love with the life of the person she’s inhabiting. Sera also falls for the boy next door, Noah. And soon it’s clear the feelings are returned. But she can never kiss Noah, because for her to touch lips with a human would mean the human’s death. And she has even more to worry about: Cyrus is chasing her. If she stays in one place for long, she puts herself—and the people she’s grown to care for—in great danger. Will Sera have to give up the one thing that’s eluded her for centuries: true love?

Avery WilliamsJessea Perry writes under the pen name Avery Williams. She was born the day after Halloween in Los Angeles, and has since lived in five different states due to her father’s job as a radio disc jockey (though she sometimes claims her parents were in the circus). Now she makes her home in Oakland with her husband and two dastardly kittens. She enjoys riding her bicycle around town and working on her hundred-year-old house. She is also a poet.


Ok this one I really did love!  But for this one I think it would have been better to be a novella vs. a full book.  It is only 246 pages and not a lot happens.  That being said it was still a very good book!  I loved all the characters and it had a great pace.  I just think that it either needed to be longer or they should have made it a novella.  The next book in the series is called The Impossibility of Tomorrow and is over 300 pages.  That review will post tomorrow.

"*I received a copy of this book for free to review, this in no way influenced my review, all opinions are 100% honest and my own." 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

{Review} Masque of the Red Death

Masque of the Red Death (Masque of the Red Death, #1)Everything is in ruins.

A devastating plague has decimated the population, and those who are left live in fear of catching it as the city crumbles around them.

So what does Araby Worth have to live for?

Nights in the Debauchery Club, beautiful dresses, glittery makeup . . . and tantalizing ways to forget it all.

But in the depths of the club—in the depths of her own despair—Araby will find more than oblivion. She will find Will, the terribly handsome proprietor of the club, and Elliott, the wickedly smart aristocrat. Neither is what he seems. Both have secrets. Everyone does.

And Araby may find not just something to live for, but something to fight for—no matter what it costs her.

Bethany Griffin teaches high school English and creative writing.

3 Stars
So I finshed this one back on the 4th of this month and started writing this review as soon as I wa
s done.  So how to review this one?! That is the issue I am having.  Although I would not say that this is the must read of the year.  I will say that the book was pretty good.  I think a lot of the choices that happened didnt fit with the story.  I mean if there is an outbreak and what protects you is your mask um ya I wouldnt be taking it off.  The main charater's name was interesting Araby although I have no idea how to say it lol.  Anyhoo one of the major things is this book goes over several weeks.  And in this time our main girl has gotten splinters, been stabbed by a tiny skull and if memory serves drugged more times than I remember 2 or 3 of those times was with needles.  So you are telling me that for some reason she hasnt gotten infected?! Unless this is explained in book 2 which I am starting on June 5th and will post it tomorrow. This series will not make much cense and will have a lot of inconstancies.  So on to reading Dance of the Red Death 

As for teams I am still Team Will even though something happened that I cant say since I dont do spoilers but, I do forgive him!  The only other thing that I REALLY loved was that the minster who is the big bad after the prince.  His identity blew me away.  I didnt see that one coming at all!
"This one I own! Purchased it from the Used Bookstore called Book Bazzar in Lakeland, FL Great please to get some great books!"
NOTE: When I was writing up this review.  I found out that this is a two book series.  Three if you add the novella so that will interesting.
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