Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Title:    Alienation (A C.H.A.O.S. Novel)
Author: Jon S. Lewis 

  • Hardcover: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson (January 3, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1595547541
  • ISBN-13: 978-1595547545
  • Ages: 8 and up
About the Book: A C.H.A.O.S. Novel January 3, 2012

The invasion was only the beginning . . .
After his parents were killed in a car accident, Colt McAllister was drawn into a world he thought only existed in comic books-one where mind control, jet packs, and flying motorcycles don't even scratch the surface.
Along with his best friends Oz and Danielle, Colt is now training at the secret Central Headquarters Against the Occult and Supernatural academy. But strange accidents seem to follow him. . . even with the security of the school grounds. What first seems random soon turns deadly. But who is targeting Colt?
As the alien invasions increase in frequency and force, C.H.A.O.S resources are taxed to the limit and they're forced to utilize the new recruits. In the midst of battle, Colt will discover some startling revelations . . . about himself, his friendship with Oz, and why he has been chosen to defeat this alien attack against earth.

When I got approved for this book through Netgalley. At the time I didn't know it was a part two to a trilogy. However I didn't even find out it was a trilogy until I went to put my books on my iBooks in a kind of order by author. Then I found out it was book two. So as a true believer in starting with book one then going to two. I purchased book 1. With that said. I just finished this book two tonight and let me tell ya. 
Except for one thing that they talk about you would never know this is a book two. It has been one of the easiest books I've gotten through this year. It was a very easy read and I would rate it for ages 8 and up some of the things an 8 year old might not understand but all in all I believe they will both love the story and fall under the spell of some very nifty weapons and kick butt action. 
This book is deff for boys who love science fiction. Our main hero is Colt whom is a wonderful character who both gets to kick some alien butt as well as play with some way cool toys. His friends are loyal to a fault so much as they would stick by him through anything.  
I can't wait to read both book 1 which I now have. And book 3 when it comes out. I encourage everyone to go buy this book.  

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Thursday, December 08, 2011

Movies to Watch!


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Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Notes to Self: Author Interview with Laura Schaefer

   Title: notes to self
Author: Avery Sawyer pen name of Laura Schaefer

About the book:
Two climbed up. Two fell down.
One woke up.
In the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury, Robin Saunders has to relearn who she is and find out what happened the night everything changed.
I don’t know if the lightning was actually there or if my brain added it afterward, when I searched it over and over for what Emily had said that night.
It was cold and dark—darker than we thought it would be. I remember wishing I was younger so I could admit I was too scared to climb. Or older, so I could say, “Not my thing, no thanks, let’s get out of here,” and not care if Em thought I was lame. She said we were supposed to go a little crazy once in a while; it was practically our duty. Pretty soon it would be too late.

But I knew it was already too late.
A little info about Laura Schaefer:

Under the pen name Avery Sawyer, Laura Schaefer is the author of Notes to Self, a young adult novel about a teen with a traumatic brain injury.

Schaefer is also the author of The Teashop Girls (Simon & Schuster 2009), The Secret Ingredient (Simon & Schuster 2011), and Planet Explorers Travel Guides for Kids. Learn more about her by visiting and Laura is also on Twitter: @teashopgirl

Interview with an Author!

First off I wanted to know why did you write a book about a girl that falls some 30 feet? 

The book’s first title was 25 THINGS ABOUT ME. It started when my fiancĂ© said the 2009 Facebook meme (does anyone remember that?) would make a good novel. I began thinking about a reason someone would want to write or revisit a list like this. Almost right away, I landed on the idea that my main character didn’t know who she was anymore, and the concept of a traumatic brain injury grew from that. TBIs have been in the news a lot lately and I was really interested in exploring how it would feel to have one. The 30 foot fall just gave a reason for the injury. The interesting thing is, most 15 year olds don’t experience TBIs, but most of them struggle with identity anyway. That’s why I think the book’s concept will connect with readers. It is about one girl deciding who she is and what really matters, something everyone has to do.

In the book NOTES TO SELF, is there a message that you want readers to know?

Life isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth living. Also, we have choices every day. The most powerful thing I think a person can learn as they grow up (at any age) is that you make your life what it is. No one else can do that for you, even if you want them to or expect them to.

Is there any truth to this book as it contained real places and rides?

Yes, Fun Towne is based on a real place in Kissimmee, Florida called Old Town. I’ve been there many times. There is a real Sling Shot ride.

What books have most influenced your life?

It’s hard to pick just a few. I love Curtis Sittenfeld’s writing (she wrote Prep). If I could magically write like anyone, it would be her.

What book are you reading right now?

I’m just finishing The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and I hope to start The Night Circus soon.

Can you share a little of what is going on in your life at this moment?

It’s a really exciting time! I just got engaged to my boyfriend, and we’re planning a small wedding for next summer. I’m also hoping to start a new novel soon about a girl exploring her past lives. Finally, I’m working a lot on my Planet Explorers series, which is a group of travel books for kids.

I noticed on Amazon when I was doing my review for Notes to Self that you had published a few books with Simon & Schuster (THE TEASHOP GIRLS and THE SECRET INGREDIENT). Why didn’t you get this book published with them as well? 

My editor at Simon & Schuster did read NOTES TO SELF, but decided to pass on publishing it. NOTES is a very, very different book than my TEASHOP novels, so I completely understood and respected her decision. I hope to do other middle grade novels with Simon & Schuster in the future, but I couldn’t let NOTES stay on my hard drive. I’m in love with the story, and I put so much of my heart and soul into it that I just had to release it.

Where in the world do you reside at this moment? *Im in florida about 45 minutes from where the book took place which I thought was cool*  

I live in Madison, Wisconsin. It’s a wonderful college town, but winters are quite long here.

What was the hardest thing about writing this book?

I did a lot of research about brain injuries in the beginning, a topic I know virtually nothing about. Getting the medical details right was tough, because it’s possible to have a wide variety of experiences, treatments and outcomes when it comes to TBIs.

Another interesting part about writing the book was coming up for air after I’d been working on it for several hours. I know I was a lot quieter than normal after particularly intense writing days, because I was so much in the world of the book and in the minds of my characters that it was hard to participate in the real world again afterward.

What advice would you give people who want to be an author as well as those of us that review books?

If you’re serious about wanting to become an author, read everything you can get your hands on, write often, and don’t give up. Your first novel probably won’t be good, unless you spend several years revising it. Keep writing, give your material to critique partners, refine and revise and do it all over again. Read classic literature, not just the latest book releases.

You can buy this book from by clicking the book above.  You can also enter the contest to win a free ecopy. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blog Followers

Please comment here with what you did and who you did it as. 

Post link to your site so I can do the same.If you grabbed my button please let me know here.

Note: If you website or blog contains NUDITY (as in adults in positions which kids should not see)
 I will not follow you.

If you comment in the wrong place I will not follow you either. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Snow White and the Huntsman & Mirror, Mirror

So serious or comedy?  Well why not both!!

When I heard they were making this movie I was so excited. As a lover of all fairy tales I was ecstatic to find out that this was being made.  When I found out that non other than Kristen was to be the lead I was jumping for joy!! 

Check out the first trailer for this upcoming movie with a twist on the classic fairy tale of Snow White. 
Coming out Summer 2012

I guess this will have to keep me company until Breaking Dawn 2 comes out next Nov.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Winners Have Been Chosen

Just to let you all know that three winners have been chosen for the ecopies of Before

I would love to thank everyone who entered.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Breaking Dawn Part 1

We went to go see Breaking Dawn Part 1 last night in Lakeland.  And I must say that they have come a long way from the first Twilight movie.  And that they would have made so much more money and awards if they would have been this AMAZING from the beginning!!

I sat in the theater and was HAPPY surprised by just how MUCH was WORD FOR WORD from the book!!!  This movie the last in this Saga has been the BEST movie yet!!

I can't wait for the next part to come out.  And I hope that if Meyer decides to make another twilight book and they do it to a movie that they use the same director!! 

As for age rating.  I think that it would depend on how mature your child is.  If you think they might be able to understand what is going on. or you don't mind answering their questions then I think it would be just fine.  There was not a lot of sex and pretty much no nudity.  The sex part lasted for only a few seconds. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Magi

Product Description

Thirteen-year-old Elijah Hawk has never heard of the Magi. He knows nothing about their three thousand-year-old secret. He has never been to Savenridge, the Magi city hidden deep inside the northern woods. Most of all, Elijah is unaware of the dangers hunting him. 

After one terrifying night, however, all of that changes! On a quest to solve the horrific murder of his parents, Elijah stumbles upon the land of the Magi. Learning their ancient secrets and training with their power is the least of his problems. In order to find out why his parents were killed, Elijah learns that he must confront the dangers that are hunting him, even though it means almost certain death. What's more terrifying is discovering that his journey to this new world may not have been an accident after all.

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 462 KB
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B005TZ72NO
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Ages: 7 and up

I really did love this book!!  I fell in love with the cover as soon as I saw it.  Im a great fan of the Last Airbender cartoon and the movie.  and this cover reminded me so much of their way of life.  Before I start my review I have some quotes from the book and what they mean to me.

"Elijah was confused how four men could bring such fear to an entire city."> pg 1926-1940 (on kindle)
The above reminded me about how much our world is ruled by fear.  We fear the unknown and that makes us very unpredictable.  Those who are ruled by fear will never know freedom.

"There's so much to learn about the world, and I'm afraid some will never know because they're not looking" >Pg. 5210

This reminds me to stop and smell the roses.  To open my eyes and all of my other seances and be aware of the world around me.  So many things could be avoided if you were just paying attention.

Ok my review:

This book was amazing and a MUST READ. And at 2.99 you can't beat that.  I was lucky enough to get a copy from the author.  I so hope that they decide to make this book in print as I know the symbol on the front will be added to my collection of tattoos. (yes ill post it when i get it lol)

The book went way fast and wasn't stagnant at all.  It kept me intertwined until the very end.  And I can't wait for more.

Elijah is a wonderful charter and I just love his friend paul and Mr. Roddick and his family reminded me of my own.  We are the ones who take in all the strays be it animals or people.

This book would be an easy read for ages 7+  I am currently putting it on my daughters kindle so she can read it herself.

So please click the link above and purchase a copy for your self or your children.  You won't be disappointed.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The House of Night does it again!!

I can't believe that we now have a House of Night Comic Book.  I downloaded it on my iPad from Dark horse and it was great.  It is so night to SEE what is going on.  This is almost as good as the movie is going to be.

Lets just hope that they don't mess up one of our fav. Book series like they did with Twilight.


11/09/2011 11:59am
Hey Digital Denizens!
Vampyres invade the digital store. Don't miss the brand new series by New York Times Best-selling author P.C. CAST. House of Night brings something new to the world of Vampyres. Can't make it to a Comic Shop? Pick up your copy of House of Night in our digital store and get in on the ground floor of this new comic series.
And if that's not enough paranormal for you. Hellboy shorts and one-shots are on sale for $ .99 all weekend long. Snag Hellboy: The Island and your other favorites from the Hellboy timeline.
Don't have the App? You can Download it for Free!

As Always, make sure to visit weekly for more great sales and offers.
Until next week, may your battery be fully charged! 
Release Date: 11/09/2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Destined by P.C. Cast

By: P.C. Cast

Tthis is the 9th book in the House of Night book series. I just finished it today and it was O My Goddess Amazing. I was so happy with this book. It didnt really answer a lot of questions but it did give you more insight to certian characters. The ending about killed me!!! And I so cant wait for the next book in the series.

so this book get a 5 stars for awsomeness!!