Tuesday, July 03, 2012

TMI Tuesday!

Ok so we all do them. Ok some of us do them. Kegels!  If you don't know what they are then you are to young to be reading this post.  

Here is a quick description of what they are. 

pelvic floor exercise, more commonly called a Kegel exercise (named after Dr. Arnold Kegel), consists of repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor, now sometimes colloquially referred to as the "Kegel muscles".

The reason you do these is as you get older and if you pick up heavy things your muscles in your pelvic region are no longer as tight as they were when you were like 12.  So doing these exercises can help you if you are like me.  

Ive had two kids and now I have a bad bladder. and it really isn't my bladders fault.  Its really those pelvis muscles telling me Jess your getting old.  Deal with it.  Well I'm not going to deal with it.  

On the recommendation of a friend of mine I decided to buy these. 

 Now I know what you are thinking.  Jessica are you CRAZY OUR OF YOUR MIND? Nope I'm not.  So these things have a ball inside of the well balls.  And as you move around all day. Walking and such.  They make your pelvic muscles contract to do better more efficient Kegels.  So how did they work for me?  

I LOVE them.  They were a little weird to use at first especially sitting down.  But after you get used to them. They are great.  I have been using them for a week now and I don't have to pee so much lol.  

So there is my TMI for today! 

So what TMI subject do you want to know about?  Comment below and ill answer one next Tuesday!  

Remember no topic is off limits.  As long as it isn't to far out there. 


OMG they look like torture devises or Chinese eggs, bet you didn't get them from Anne Summers lol

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