Thursday, August 02, 2012

Welcome Author J. Meyers

I'm pleased to welcome author J. Meyers to my blog today! J. has graciously answered interview questions for me and my pals over at Never Too Old for YA Books on Goodreads and Facebook! You may know J's book Intangible:

Released: January 31, 2012
Links for Purchase:
Blurb from Goodreads (click link to add to your TBR):
Twins Sera and Luke Raine have a well-kept secret—she heals with a touch of her hand, he sees the future. All their lives they’ve helped those in need on the sly. They’ve always thought of their abilities as being a Then Luke has a vision that Sera is killed. That gift they’ve always cherished begins to feel an awful lot like a curse. Because the thing about Luke’s ability? He’s always right. And he can’t do anything about 

J. has also released a bonus short story to go along with her book which is currently free on the above sites and on SmashwordsBarnes and Noble and Amazon:

Published: October 17, 2012
Blurb from Goodreads (click link to add to your TBR):
Luke and his twin sister Sera have unusual abilities. Hers is a gift—she can heal with a touch of her hand. His is a curse—he can see the future but he can’t do anything about it.
On a hike up the mountain, Luke has a vision unlike any other—one that leaves him terrified. Knowing that it will come true—and that he must do everything in his power to stop it—leaves his own future uncertain.
ision that Sera is killed. That gift they’ve always cherished begins to feel an awful lot like a curse. Because the thing about Luke’s ability? He’s always right. And he can’t do anything about it.

j. meyers grew up in Vermont and now lives in Central New York. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s chasing her four kids around, exploring the outdoors with them, relishing the few quiet moments she gets with her husband, baking sweet treats, and forgetting to make dinner. Though she cannot actually see the future nor heal with a touch of her hand, she likes to think her children believe she can. Intangible is her first novel.
And now J. has graciously answered interview questions for me and My NTOFYAB ladies! Be sure to check out the interview over on Goodreads as well!

1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? 
Writing kind of snuck up on me. I hated writing when I was in high school and college. A few years after college, I got a job freelancing at an educational texts publisher inputting changes to manuscripts. I quickly moved up to proofreading, copy editing, and eventually started writing. Without even noticing that I was doing it, I became a professional writer. :-) I ended up co-authoring a couple of parenting books before writing Intangible, which is my first novel.
2. How long does it take you to write a book? 
Intangible took about a year to write, working on it only at night while my kids were asleep. And then it took another year to revise/edit/polish it up for publication. I'm hoping the novel I'm working on now will only take about a year total to get it ready to publish. (I've got LOTS of fingers crossed for that.)
3. What do you think makes a great story?
Characters you care about and can connect with, a plot that moves along logically and with surprises, beautiful writing, great dialogue.
4. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
I've recently started getting up early to write before my kids wake. I'm really liking getting my work done in the morning so I have the rest of the day to focus on my family and get other things done, so I think I'm going to stick to this schedule.
5. How do you balance family and writing?
I wish I knew. :-) I don't balance it well at all, and I hate that. I've discovered that I'm an all-or-nothing sort of person when it comes to writing, so my family definitely suffers when I'm focused on a book. However, my new early morning writing schedule seems to be bringing things back into balance somewhat, giving me more time with my kids and husband, so I'm hoping I've found the secret I've been searching for. (Fingers and toes crossed on this.)
6. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
The idea behind Intangible--of a girl who could heal with a touch of her hand--was inspired by Reiki, which is a hands-on energy healing method that I'm trained in. The addition of other teens with gifts, including her twin brother, was inspired by superheroes. :-)
I keep a notebook with a list of book ideas, and I'm not sure where the ideas come from. Dreams, sometimes. Maybe news stories or articles I read. Or the idea just strikes me in the flash of a moment, seemingly unrelated to anything I'm doing at the moment. I write EVERYTHING down so I don't forget it.
7. How many books have you written? Which is your favourite? 
Intangible is my first novel--I've co-authored two parenting books as well. Intangible is definitely my favourite. :-) 
8. Are your characters based on anyone you know?
Nope. While I may borrow pieces of people for my characters, each one is a unique creation all unto him/herself and not based on a specific person.
9. Do you have a favourite place you love to write?
In winter: on the couch in front of the fire with a hot cup of tea and some dark chocolate. The rest of the year: anywhere the ideas are flowing...with a hot cup of tea and some dark chocolate. ;-)
10. What do your family and friends think about your books?
They are all very supportive and excited for me. Most of them have read the book and loved it, which is an amazing thing. Though it's really nerve-wracking to have my friends and family read it. More so than anyone else, I suppose, because I *really* want them to like it. 
11. What do you like to do when you are not writing?
Read. :-) (I read a LOT, and mostly YA or MG books because it's the best writing out there.) And hang out with my family--going for hikes and walks, playing outside, baking with my kids.
12. Do you have any suggestions to help aspiring writers better themselves and their craft? If so, what are they? 
For me, I learn a lot from reading. Reading for me is studying--I'm paying close attention to the words an author chose or how they created a particularly vibrant world or how they drop clues or handle backstory, in addition to the story itself. I'm constantly trying to figure out how to do it better myself.
And, of course, to get better at writing you must actually WRITE. But write with intention. Write with an idea that's taken hold of you and won't. let. go. Also? Finish what you start. :-)
13. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up? 
I wanted to be a doctor...until I realized that I'd have to dissect cadavers. And I knew I wasn't up to that task. So then I wanted to be an actor. I definitely did not want to be a writer. :-)
14. What are your favourite books and which authors inspire you?
I am incredibly inspired by these books and authors (and regularly study their books): The Dreamdark series by Laini Taylor, Chime by Frannie Billingsley, This is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn by Aidan Chambers, and the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling.
15. For an aspiring writer what do you feel are certain do's and don’ts for getting their material published?
Do put out your best work. Polish it until it shines as brightly as you can make it. Publishing or submitting anything less than your absolute best will only work against you.
Do believe in yourself.
And if it's something you really want, don't give up. :-)
16. What are you working on now?
I'm writing the sequel to Intangible.
Thanks so much, Brooke! It's been a real treat. :-)

Thanks so much for stopping by, J.! It's been a pleasure having you here! Please feel free to follow J. at the following sites:


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