Monday, May 19, 2014

Code of Silence (Code of Silence #1) by @timshoemaker1 #Review #Giveaway #Published @Zonderkidz

Telling the Truth Could Get Them Killed. Remaining Silent Could Be Worse.When Cooper, Hiro, and Gordy witness a robbery that leaves a man in a coma, they find themselves tangled in a web of mystery and deceit that threatens their lives. After being seen by the criminals---who may also be cops---Cooper makes everyone promise never to reveal what they have seen. Telling the truth could kill them. But remaining silent means an innocent man takes the fall and a friend never receives justice. Is there ever a time to lie? And what happens when the truth is dangerous? The three friends, trapped in a code of silence, must face the consequences of choosing right or wrong when both options have their price.

About the Author

Tim Shoemaker headshot
Tim Shoemaker is a speaker and author of eight books, including Dangerous Devotions for Guys; Smashed Tomatoes, Bottle Rockets, and Other Outdoor Devotionals; and Mashed Potatoes, Paint Balls, and Other Indoor/Outdoor Devotionals. He has three grown sons and has been happily married for over 32 years. His debut into the juvenile fiction market draws from his experience with kids as a volunteer youth leader for more than sixteen years.

Wow so I ended up finishing this one around midnight on Sunday. Yup Im late!  

Ok so first off I want to say something.  This book is shelved as a Juvenile Fiction/ Religious/ Christian/ Action & Adventure.  And I have to say that I don't agree with that and I believe that this book lost a lot of sales and a lot of people are going to miss this book by not reading it because they think they are going to get preached at.  I myself had a copy of this book as an ARC a while back and only did a promo for it because of it.  And well I have to say I wish I would have read this one back then.  Because, its GREAT!! 

This book is a wonderful real life mystery novel.  I did figure out who did what by the end. Like the VERY end.  But by that time you found out anyway. So I think the mystery was very good.  The characters where even better.  It really gives the lesson on what you should do.  If you saw something like this go down and you had evidence that could help. But it would also let people know who you were what would you do?  Would you risk your life to help out or would you keep silent to protect your own skin.  I think if I was in this situation I would turn all the evidence over but I think I would have gone to a lady copy. That way I would have known that she didn't have anything to do with it since all the robbers were men. lol.  

The plot and story line for this was just amazing!  I really do have to express that don't let the christian/religious printings on this scare you away.  The only thing that comes into play for those is the kids praying when things go bad.  Which I have to say is what everyone does.  Even me.  Ive been pagan for over 20 years and what did I do when my grams went into the hospital?  I prayed to the gods that she would be ok and that everything would work out.  Its what we do in our darkest hours.  We turn to our faith to guide us.  So again read this don't let it pass you by!  You will regret it!  Cause this one is deff a must read! 

"All opinions are 100% honest and my own."

'Some will find Shoemaker’s covering of every angle too exhaustive, but it is just this meticulousness that makes this novel stand apart. Rarely are kids in thrillers portrayed this realistically: sick with worry, horrified by injury, and smart but not preternaturally so. Mentions of multiple characters’ Christianity feel shoehorned in, but that doesn’t take away from this deliberate, plausible, and gritty whodunit.'- Daniel Kraus, Booklist Review -- 'Some will find Shoemaker’s covering of every angle too exhaustive, but it is just this meticulousness that makes this novel stand apart. Rarely are kids in thrillers portrayed this realistically: sick with worry, horrified by injury, and smart but not preternaturally so. Mentions of multiple characters’ Christianity feel shoehorned in, but that doesn’t take away from this deliberate, plausible, and gritty whodunit.'- Daniel Kraus, Booklist Review (Booklist Review)

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I immediately cared for the three teen characters, Cooper, Gordy and Hiro. They are regular kids enjoying a regular life and sharing good times with a trusted adult, Frank, at a local hangout. After witnessing a robbery and beating, Cooper risks himself to protect Gordy and Hiro and is identified and threatened by the robbers. The boys decide to keep silent because they fear for the safety of Cooper and his family. Thus, the “Code of Silence” is set. It seems like a wise plan but, immediately, lies must be told. They don’t like lying or how it makes them feel, but soon they are hiding the truth from parents, teachers and police. They begin to wonder if they can still trust each other, though the teenagers both protect and stand up for each other. One boy is especially concerned about what the lies are doing to their character and if personal safety is a reason to not tell the truth. Themes of loyalty and courage in friendship abound, all tested by the corrosiveness of lies. Action is plentiful throughout the book: bike chases, bold moves, cover-ups and sting operations initiated by the kids, all keeping them just out of reach of the enemy. Parents should know that there is some sneaking out of the house, though not often because these kids seem to have a lot free time, are trusted, and have resources at their disposal. In the end, facing the truth is almost more frightening than confronting the enemy. While most teens will enjoy the action and tension of the life-threatening tasks Cooper, Gordy and Hiro take on, parents can be assured that good relationships between families, friends and community abound. “Code of Silence” is a tense tale with real consequences and a nice heart. There is some promise at the end for another adventure and I want to read it. -- I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I immediately cared for the three teen characters, Cooper, Gordy and Hiro. They are regular kids enjoying a regular life and sharing good times with a trusted adult, Frank, at a local hangout. After witnessing a robbery and beating, Cooper risks himself to protect Gordy and Hiro and is identified and threatened by the robbers. The boys decide to keep silent because they fear for the safety of Cooper and his family. Thus, the “Code of Silence” is set. It seems like a wise plan but, immediately, lies must be told. They don’t like lying or how it makes them feel, but soon they are hiding the truth from parents, teachers and police. They begin to wonder if they can still trust each other, though the teenagers both protect and stand up for each other. One boy is especially concerned about what the lies are doing to their character and if personal safety is a reason to not tell the truth. Themes of loyalty and courage in friendship abound, all tested by the corrosiveness of lies. Action is plentiful throughout the book: bike chases, bold moves, cover-ups and sting operations initiated by the kids, all keeping them just out of reach of the enemy. Parents should know that there is some sneaking out of the house, though not often because these kids seem to have a lot free time, are trusted, and have resources at their disposal. In the end, facing the truth is almost more frightening than confronting the enemy. While most teens will enjoy the action and tension of the life-threatening tasks Cooper, Gordy and Hiro take on, parents can be assured that good relationships between families, friends and community abound. “Code of Silence” is a tense tale with real consequences and a nice heart. There is some promise at the end for another adventure and I want to read it. (The Dove Foundation)

Disclaimer: Thanks to Goodreads and Amazon for the book cover, about the book, and author information.
With Wednesday's post there will be two giveaways! One will be this one and the other will be via the tour!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


What inspires me? Books!! I love them. :)

I think curiosity inspires me. That and beauty. When I find something I find pretty it inspires me.

I have to admit, I wouldn't pick up this book if I saw that it was under Religion and Christian.

As a mother of 8, I have to say what inspires me is my children. But after that it is nature- the miracles that occur in nature is truly amazing.

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